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The only dumb question is the one not asked!

What does VOG stand for?Vee Owners Group
Is VOG aligned with HOG?Not at all, both are stand-alone independent organisations.
Does VOG allow all bikes?VOG requires ownership of a V-engined Bike for entry into membership by the principal member. This member may own non-vee machines as well.
Are V-engined bikes only cruisers?No, any V-engined configuration is allowed, Superbikes, dual terrain or touring bikes as well as cruisers are all accepted.
Has VOG copied formats of other Bike clubs?Not at all. VOG is an owners group and VOG's protocols are created and designed by VOG to add value to ownership.
Is VOG only found in major towns?No, we have members nationally, some in small towns, villages and even farming communities. VOG is international as well as national.
Does VOG allow wives & families to join in some events?Yes indeed. VOG encourages all members of a family, young & old to any function or VOG event. Additional family members also come by car - lovingly referred to as a "cage"!
Do you have to enroll as a couple?No, one family member (owner) will enroll as principal member and other member/s of a household share that membership.The partner or family member that owns their own Vee may however choose to have their own membership listing.
Is VOG an elitist group?No, see us rather as a family-oriented group where a full spectrum of bike-minded persons from all walks of life join in fellowship and common interest. Creed, culture, religion, ethnic, professional, artisan, learned or unlearned persons from our VOG family are all equal in ownership. VOG have retired persons, housewives, farmers, mariners, owners of companies, project managers, doctors, pastors, fashion designers, social workers etc in our membership. Our structure has EXCO members who fulfil specific functions -but are considered servant leaders rather than hierarchic figures.
We hear VOG is very safety conscious?Yes, safety for riders and motorists means everything to VOG.
As a novice rider, can I join VOG?VOG nurtures the growth of all its members, encouraging advanced bikemanship & road-sense in all conditions. So yes! A novice may apply for membership provided he or she owns a vee-engined bike and is licensed to ride.
Does VOG have rules?Yes, very much so! Any entity requires rules to protect it's existence & continuance, just as a home does.
Will I be forced to attend runs and rallies?VOG does not impose or obligate anyone in either of these aspects. How could we? We have members in far out places who remain loyal over the years - they belong even when we don't see them often. The VOG website catalogues our activities and keeps members in touch and our VOG Group Facebook Social pages are where members can interact.
If I join, is there a period of apprenticeship where I may not wear a patch while I am a junior member?No! Ownership qualifies you for membership. Once you have enrolled, you qualify for a patch immediately and will be just as equal as the member who has just earned his 10 -year membership badge!
Will information I give in joining be kept confidential?VOG does not pass member information onto 3rd parties so your details are secure.
Do you think I will fit in?If you have family values and enjoy wholesome social interaction you will likely find new and lasting friendships in VOG. Come along on a run or two and get a feel of VOG and its culture & values.
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