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Why do we pay membership fees?

VOG is an owner's group that is administered globally by an EXCO and locally by a Steering Committee - not operating under a conventional MCC club structure.


We do not operate as a profit - generating business unit and do not compensate the managing members for services and time rendered. In fact, when Steering Committee members are appointed, it is with the understanding that all time and money spent on member's administration, arranging of breakfast venues, riding of dry run routes, electronic communication etc -  will be done at their own cost. SCM's do not receive any financial benefit for their appointment - not even a reduction on membership fees. 


As membership is widespread, there is no office building, clubhouse or company vehicles to maintain and money is not collected for contribution towards rallies etc.

All membership fees and markups generated on merchandising items, are used to cover the following operating costs that keep the wheels of VOG turning:


  • Website annual software fees and hosting thereof (data costs excluded)

  • WinSMS server fees for new member greetings, event notifications and replies

  • Maintaining of head office PC, software and printer for member database and invoicing

  • Printing of visitors cards and intro cards

  • The supply of general stationery

  • Plaques & frames handed out to a deserving breakfast and accommodation venues

  • Purchasing of merchandising items - such as clothing, caps, stickers, mugs, name plates, back patches, area scrolls, challenge medallions, birthday bash badges etc. This is to cover orders placed by the membership and to maintain a reasonable stock

  • All design fees and set-up costs charged by suppliers

  • Management badges handed out to SCM's, FMO's, Medics etc

  • Medic supply kits used by FMO's

  • 5-,10- and 15-year patches presented to members

  • SCM service scrolls and Run Attendance award scrolls presented at the annual birthday bash in Gauteng

  • Engraving and maintaining of the Recruiter of the Year trophy on an annual basis

  • Sponsorships at certain VOG official events and Charity functions


Please note the following rulings with regard to member's fees:


  • Fees for current members are payable annually in advance and are due on the 1st March.

  • Where fees are not being paid by existing members, EXCO management reserves the right to terminate those memberships after reminders have been sent out to the relevant members.

  • If fees are not being paid due to personal financial circumstances or non-ownership of a vee- motorcycle, EXCO will consider putting those memberships on hold and may be reinstated at a more convenient time. A "number for life" policy is in place.

  • No refunds are due for memberships terminated during that year.

  • Any new memberships are subject to a pro-rata fee that is determined by the amount of months remaining for that financial year - commencing 1st March.

  • Invoices/ statements will be delivered by email to each member at least once a year - advising them of outstanding balances and new fees due.

  • An incentive may be offered during November/ December each year - offering a reduction in membership fees if they are paid in full by the end of February.

  • Reduced fees are offered to long-serving members over 65 years old.

  • No incentives are offered to non-metro members.

  • Member fees do not include any merchandising items such as name plates, back patches etc. The additional items purchased will remain the property of the member - even if the membership is terminated later. â€‹

Standard Members:

R 400 per member


Early bird discount:

R 385 if paid before 1 Feb 2025


Valid 01 Mar 2025 - 28 Feb 2026 

Rates quoted are annual fees

No monthly fees applicable

Love it! Live it! Ride it! â’¸ Vee Owners Group 2025

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