At the 14th Birthday celebration held at Little Nero's in Boksburg (Gauteng) on Sunday 4th March 2018, EXCO were proud to announce the appointment of a new Captain of Biking - known to all lovingly as the "Cobber".

Cathy JV Rensburg presents the Cobber nameplate to Eben Coetzee.
Eben Coetzee joined VOG with member number VO464 on the 12th Jan 2016 and from the beginning, showed his commitment to the Vee Owners Group and indicated an interest in becoming more involved. His potential was realised soon enough and he was appointed as a Steering Committee member at the annual birthday bash held in March 2017.
As a qualified Formation Officer, Eben was able to prove his skills as Road Captain, Sweep and Marshall. As an area SCM for the South Rand, Eben has been involved in route planning and identification of breakfast venues.

Eben and Yolanda Coetzee - "Teamwork makes the dream work"
So - exactly how has the "mantle been passed"??
Way back in the early years of VOG, founding member David V. Davy had set up a Steering Committee that would take up responsibility for the managing of members in the local area cells. That took care of the nurturing of new members who had to be introduced to the concept of group riding and also to bring more experienced v-owners into the same effective riding patterns that VOG has become well known for.
After consideration of the rapid growth in member numbers, Dave realised that it was becoming more important to develop a riding policy unique to VOG and that this should be entrusted to an individual who would serve the club on a National basis.
On the 3rd October 2007 - a mass mail was distributed by Dave Davy to VOG membership whereby the following was announced:
"It is with great pride that we announce the appointment of SCM Derek Meise (VO 032) to fill the portfolio to be known as CAPTAIN OF BIKING - not to be confused with Road Captain.
The position is intended to manage and consolidate all aspects of “Biking” for and within VOG and nurture a culture that is consistent, safe and reliable in all biking conditions, for riders, pillion passengers and motorcycles.
When one is alone on a bike the conditions are different and every rider makes his own rules dependent of circumstances. However, when group riding comes into play, some uniform order that is understood by all is vital, to avoid accidents and confusion.
The duties and responsibilities entrusted to Captain of Biking, shall include:-
Riding Rules: The application and training in these skills.
Choice of Formations: The decision making and approval of formations to be employed in differing circumstances, such as escorts, processions, specific ceremonial, or in regular riding incorporating short & long distance strategies.
Support Contingents: (Where VOG rides as a group, ride in support of other initiatives). Policy, pattern, mix and indemnities etc.
Legalities of Road Bikes: The standards of presentation of all VOG member owned motorcycles, including licensing and roadworthiness.
Parking Principles: Parking patterns and management to be implemented for specific applications, on runs, at events, on slopes & soft ground (considering the domino effect of one bike falling onto another) parkade's, unsecured areas etc.
Formation Officials: Training and accreditation of VOG Road Captains, Sweeps, Road Marshals for urban thoroughfare etc.
Routing & Runs: Routes and run destinations and planning.
Derek has in his past service of VOG been performing much of what is now encapsulated
into the Captain of Biking portfolio and this appointment will now allow him to “dig deeper” and align VOG’s biking orientation with the best in the world!"

Derek Meise, Kia Davy and Dave Davy in the early years of VOG - March 2008.
After having spent time together setting up group policy on the Cobber portfolio, Derek and Dave took the Captain of Biking position to the next level and it was on the 8th July 2008, that SCM Albert Otto (VO 014) received the following appointment via email:
"Albert, I have just received your signed acceptance for the portfolio of Captain of Biking and must say I am in total harmony with Derek’s nomination of yourself, as his successor, to the corporate appointment he so admirably filled during his term of service.
We are both more than impressed with the high standard and discipline you set for yourself, the consistent performance and example you project in all aspects of your contribution to biking and the V-Owners Group overall."
Albert proceeded to take up the challenge and served with great dedication as the Cobber for a full 9 years, before announcing that he would be relocating with his beloved Elza to the Western Cape in the latter part of 2017. This would unfortunately include stepping down as Captain of Biking - but he would take up an SCM role in the WC.
Speaking on behalf of VOG - we are grateful to Albert for the many hours invested in serving the Vee Owner membership!

Albert presenting Lawrence Leonard with his certification as Formation Officer.

Albert Otto - a firm believer in ATGATT - "all the gear all the time"!

Equally at home on a Harley Davidson rental!

Albert and Elza currently reside in Oudtshoorn and always look forward to VOG members visiting them at the Riverside Guest Lodge - which they own and manage.