From the office of VOG President - Corrie Janse van Rensburg:
My dear fellow members of VOG,
Many of you may have heard via the grapevine by now, that Cathy and I have been planning to head across to Eastern Australia, where we will retire with our family - whom have settled in a town called Dapto – about 100km south of Sydney, NSW.
To give you an idea of where we will be based, check out the following maps.......

Well, that day is almost upon us and I can announce that I will finish up working for the National Carrier on the 15th June – about 6 weeks from now! After that, it is only a matter of time before our agent finalises all the paperwork that will allow us to make the move that we have spoken about ever since Izak and Geraldine emigrated with our grandchildren a few year ago.
When the current EXCO took over the running of VOG in October 2014, we knew that it was big shoes that had to be filled. Dave Davy and Kia had managed to run a hugely successful national biking group and it was going to be quite a challenge taking over the running of VOG.
Four and a half years later, I can look back and be proud of how this great organisation has flourished, thanks to the hard work done by each and every EXCO member, our national SCM’s and you - the dedicated member of VOG.
It is obviously with a heavy heart that we leave you all behind in South Africa, but my promise to you is that the leadership of VOG will be left in capable hands and that the day-to-day running of this amazing Owner’s Group will continue in the same efficient manner that you have been accustomed to.
Cathy and I are not done with VOG and intend firstly to find some new Aussie V-Twin wheels to ride, then as EXCO members will see how we can set up a NSW cell in the area!!
In the meantime, we will keep you all posted about our travel plans and look forward to a great “Bon Voyage” party in Gauteng.
Viva VOG!
Corrie & Cathy Janse Van Rensburg (VO243/ VO244)
